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This is Cub Scout Pack 902, from Virginia Beach, Virgina. We are chartered with Aragona Moose Lodge #1198.

Pack Leadership

Our leaders receive training in all areas from youth protection, safe swimming and boating, and especially outdoor leadership. We strive to be better leaders as every youth deserves a trained leader.

Our Leadership '10 - '11 Roster:
Den Leadership Grade Leaders
Webelos II 5th Brandon Hastey
Webelos I 4th Tim Hodges
Bear 3rd Steve Brown
Wolf 2nd Steve Brown
Tiger 1st Fritz Sleigher
Pack Committee Committee Member
Committee ChairAlisha Britt
CubmasterBrandon Hastey
Quarter Master-vacant-
TreasurerMichelle Doughty
Advancement ChairJennifer Brown
Popcorn KernelAlisha Britt
Activities Chair-vacant-

Future If you would like to be part of the committee, simply show up at the Moose Lodge for our next meeting and your voice will be heard. Please contact anyone above for more information.